Jim Frazier: "Wait a minute...it IMploded?!!"
Jim Frazier: Memorial to the Crash
Jim Frazier: Broken Branch
Jim Frazier: Not what you want to see when you walk up to your gate and look out the window
Jim Frazier: Broken Wing Display
Jim Frazier: Fallen Marker
Jim Frazier: TORSLIGI
Jim Frazier: TORSLIGI
Jim Frazier: TORSLIGI
Jim Frazier: Estabishing Shot - The Old Rusty Steam Locomotive in Galt, Illinois
Jim Frazier: Life Finds a Way
Jim Frazier: Stuck.
Jim Frazier: Broken
Jim Frazier: Potential / Disappointment
Jim Frazier: The One-Walled Barn
Jim Frazier: Life Finds a Way - Tractor Version
Jim Frazier: Got Wheels?
Jim Frazier: Christine's Cousin Chuck
Jim Frazier: Too much?
Jim Frazier: Golly, I do hope the homeowners association approves of our new lawn ornaments
Jim Frazier: Bridge is Out - Forever
Jim Frazier: Mount St. Helens
Jim Frazier: From Mt. Lemmon
Jim Frazier: Good Woodpecker Habitat
Jim Frazier: For you youngsters out there, these are called "phone booths"
Jim Frazier: "Skeeter, lookee there! Someone left a perfectly good couch in the dumpster. Here, help me get it in the truck. Score!"
Jim Frazier: This church was abandoned. I wonder why.
Jim Frazier: Deadwood