Jim Frazier: What doesn't belong in this picture?
Jim Frazier: Anachronism Alert!
Jim Frazier: Anachronism Alert!
Jim Frazier: "Dang. Did I screw up the settings on the TARDIS again?"
Jim Frazier: "Oh, let's see what fascinating tweets the High Command has sent out today. Hmmm, something about an invasion in Nor... Dang this 140 character limit."
Jim Frazier: "Yeah, this is Joe's Pizza in Pompeii. We're gonna need another couple of jugs of wine. Nah. We seem to have plenty of volcanic ash."
Jim Frazier: This 16 century monk is thrilled with the deal he got on his new camera
Jim Frazier: Barbarians prefer the "pay as you go" plan
Jim Frazier: Thag gets thirsty without his Pepsi
Jim Frazier: Checking his Faycebuk Page
Jim Frazier: Caught!
Jim Frazier: You'd think the mail would interfere with the reception
Jim Frazier: Checking ye old order status
Jim Frazier: "Would you like coffee with your tablet?"
Jim Frazier: Anachronism Alert!
Jim Frazier: Barbarian With a Cigarette
Jim Frazier: Renaissance Cell Phones III
Jim Frazier: Renaissance Cell Phones II
Jim Frazier: Renaissance Cell Phones I
Jim Frazier: "If Paul Revere hadn't lost his phone, he could have just texted us that the British were coming."
Jim Frazier: "Tell General Patton the road is clear"
Jim Frazier: Anna knows what she wants for Christmas
Jim Frazier: Is it a zombie, or just someone who can't put down her phone?
Jim Frazier: Is it a zombie, or just someone who can't put down her phone?
Jim Frazier: Not sure that cell phones were available when those sunglasses were in style
Jim Frazier: "Dang, no signal. The cell service always sucks in northern Virginia."
Jim Frazier: "Would thee like to hang out later after we attack the Hessians in Trenton?"
Jim Frazier: "How was the battle?" "We fired our guns, and the British kept a-coming" "Then what happened?" "There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago."
Jim Frazier: Man in Bib Overalls with Boater and Steam Engine