Jim Frazier: Two Old Comrades
Jim Frazier: General Patton threatens to turn the captured German general over to the Russians for their special brand of interrogation
Jim Frazier: Two SS Generals
Jim Frazier: Life with the Airborne
Jim Frazier: Approaching a Crossroads
Jim Frazier: "There's Field Marshall Rommel. Golly, I hope I can get a selfie!"
Jim Frazier: Partisan
Jim Frazier: 1000 Yard Stare
Jim Frazier: Russian Soldier Waiting for the German Prisoner
Jim Frazier: On the Home Front
Jim Frazier: Boots on the Ground I
Jim Frazier: Hmmm. No coverage. The dang British must have bombed the cell towers again.
Jim Frazier: The Partisan - Master of His Domain
Jim Frazier: Not Happy
Jim Frazier: "Yes. I killed many Nazi's today."
Jim Frazier: Boots on the Ground II
Jim Frazier: Film and Ammunition - A War Photographer's Friends
Jim Frazier: Much to the relief of the good people of Fobbing
Jim Frazier: "Excuse me, I must have made a wrong turn. Is there a McDonalds around here? And is my bike helmet OK?"
Jim Frazier: Would you trust this sign?
Jim Frazier: Lil Midge
Jim Frazier: Little Joe