Jim Frazier: Where we live now...
Jim Frazier: Down Our Street
Jim Frazier: Snow Detail
Jim Frazier: On the Edge of the Water
Jim Frazier: Last Year's Milkweed
Jim Frazier: Pumpkin Man 2
Jim Frazier: Pumpkin Man
Jim Frazier: "All the Leaves are Down"
Jim Frazier: Christmas Hanging
Jim Frazier: Staged and Ready
Jim Frazier: January Milkweed
Jim Frazier: "Mission accomplished. Then we die."
Jim Frazier: The wasps are going to be really pissed when they find their nest on the ground.
Jim Frazier: Somedays, I see cool stuff on my daily walks
Jim Frazier: Happy Mother's Day to All the Mothers
Jim Frazier: OK, Maybe a Little Over-processed
Jim Frazier: Abandoned
Jim Frazier: Snowy Mmmmmmmuuuuuuuummmmmmmmssssssss
Jim Frazier: Local Color
Jim Frazier: Winter is coming - the fire hydrant sticks have appeared
Jim Frazier: It's worth noting that UPS gets it. FedEx gets it. The pizza guy gets it. Even the USPS gets is. But Amazon.com? Not so much.
Jim Frazier: With the Starlings, Come the Mourning Doves
Jim Frazier: Just hanging around waiting to break some kid's glasses
Jim Frazier: Golden Hour Grass
Jim Frazier: Imagine the poor Prime driver who HAS to deliver a package
Jim Frazier: I think he bought the "Bling Package"
Jim Frazier: Sunset Storm