Jim Frazier: Sometimes you just have to take fall color where you find it
Jim Frazier: Just a little fall color
Jim Frazier: 2022 Fall Tableau I
Jim Frazier: Walk Stopper
Jim Frazier: Autumn Begins
Jim Frazier: Young Maple
Jim Frazier: Tiger Tank
Jim Frazier: I think that's a guy, but I'm not a biologist.
Jim Frazier: As I consider this pile of leaves just waiting for me to splash through, the neighbor yells, "get off my lawn you durned kid!" He's 70. I'm 68.
Jim Frazier: Gin Anyone?
Jim Frazier: October in the Rose Garden
Jim Frazier: Empty and Dead
Jim Frazier: Chinese Crab Apple
Jim Frazier: Three Stems
Jim Frazier: Hence the name "Edgewater"
Jim Frazier: Official Mmmmmmuuuuuummmmmmmssssss picture of 2021
Jim Frazier: Harvest Time
Jim Frazier: A Bountiful Harvest of Pumpkins and Mmmmuuuuummmmmsssss
Jim Frazier: Along Otter Creek
Jim Frazier: "Finally, a little bit of color in the trees!"
Jim Frazier: Three Pumpkins
Jim Frazier: Maple and Marsh
Jim Frazier: A Single Pumpkin
Jim Frazier: Dark Shadows
Jim Frazier: Autumn Reflections
Jim Frazier: Tiny Pumpkins on a Stick
Jim Frazier: Our single, lonely, official Halloween decoration
Jim Frazier: Pumpkins and Pansies and Mums, Oh My
Jim Frazier: Who needs real pumpkins when you have big carved wooden ones?
Jim Frazier: The leaves come down early in my neighborhood