Jim Frazier: Happy Mother's Day
Jim Frazier: It's a trap!
Jim Frazier: Original? Or Extra Crispy
Jim Frazier: Late and Lonely Christmas Cactus Flower
Jim Frazier: OK, OK. I had ONE bite.
Jim Frazier: Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
Jim Frazier: I finally have a six-pack
Jim Frazier: It's the real thing
Jim Frazier: Mix this with cranberry juice and people make fun of you.
Jim Frazier: Kate said the new dirt-sucker-upper has a stormtrooper feel to it
Jim Frazier: Comparing...
Jim Frazier: Red Vines ---- no, I meant Red Veins!
Jim Frazier: Hi, kids! I'm Mr. Capacitor!
Jim Frazier: Common Cents
Jim Frazier: Pink and Green
Jim Frazier: Drive-through cashier: That will be 18.96. Me: 18.96? I think I got that....wait a sec.
Jim Frazier: The Latest Santa
Jim Frazier: The Christmas Bandannas
Jim Frazier: The Christmas Bandannas
Jim Frazier: The Christmas Bandannas
Jim Frazier: The Christmas Bandannas
Jim Frazier: The Christmas Bandannas
Jim Frazier: The Christmas Bandannas
Jim Frazier: The Christmas Bandannas
Jim Frazier: Stacks of Pennies
Jim Frazier: Pollen
Jim Frazier: Got a Penny?
Jim Frazier: Electron Pipelines
Jim Frazier: Kate's Christmas Cactus II