Jim Frazier: Hey, Everyone! Meet Ansel!
Jim Frazier: Due to popular demand, here's another picture of Ansel
Jim Frazier: After being evil all day, Ansel earns redemption later.
Jim Frazier: Sneaky Ansel
Jim Frazier: "I'd like to see what you're saying about me on Facebook. But I can't get the laptop out of the case. I just can't figure out zippers."
Jim Frazier: Ansel helps with the Christmas Cards
Jim Frazier: Ansel is Suspicious
Jim Frazier: Nice to see someone else has found my cushion comfortable
Jim Frazier: "May I help you...later?"
Jim Frazier: "Imma just gonna stare at that one particular molecule over there while you annoy me with the big-eyed snappy thing"
Jim Frazier: Ansel is Wary
Jim Frazier: Ansel hitches a ride with Mom to breakfast
Jim Frazier: Ansel is Unhappy
Jim Frazier: Before you think Ansel is an adorable, loving kitty, keep in mind that the vet has to put a muzzle on him whenever he visits.
Jim Frazier: Ansel's Place in the Sun
Jim Frazier: Too many pictures of Ansel lately. Blame the plague.
Jim Frazier: Ansel is a Birder
Jim Frazier: Ansel trying to be intimidating by being a jungle cat lying in wait on a tree branch
Jim Frazier: Eye Contact
Jim Frazier: Relaxification
Jim Frazier: Ansel's New Box
Jim Frazier: Ansel just wants a seat at the table
Jim Frazier: Ansel Waits
Jim Frazier: "Did you fart?"
Jim Frazier: The Sidelong Glance
Jim Frazier: Hey! I'm busy here!
Jim Frazier: Ansel checks the inflation of my central magnificence
Jim Frazier: Ansel is now resting his chin on that great arm in the sky
Jim Frazier: Ansel - Version II
Jim Frazier: "Boss, we really need to talk about the manspreading"