Jim Frazier: Taming of the Shrew
Jim Frazier: "When did they start allowing WHITE fringe? Dang! I look GOOD in white fringe"
Jim Frazier: "Hey, hey…I loaded my musket last night." "Oh, shut up."
Jim Frazier: "Keep an eye out for that guy in a lawn chair hanging from some party balloons."
Jim Frazier: "Y'know, this is an open air compartment and all, but can't you at least aim it OUT of the cab?"
Jim Frazier: A Study in Pewee 1
Jim Frazier: All right! Who cut one?
Jim Frazier: "Not Me"
Jim Frazier: "He's got the flashy thing out again"
Jim Frazier: Merry Freaking Christmas
Jim Frazier: Well, *I'm* intimidated!
Jim Frazier: The look just before my Nikon D90 was destroyed
Jim Frazier: "Quit tickling!"
Jim Frazier: "Barely Balanced" is doing their firebreathing act a little differently this year.
Jim Frazier: "What the hell? Where did this watermark come from?"
Jim Frazier: "I don't always lie face down, but when I do, it's with WSCF"
Jim Frazier: "Mom, look what I got at the Goodwill store!"
Jim Frazier: "Yes, I think the electroshock therapy has gone very well."
Jim Frazier: "If you're gonna date my daughter, just remember that I got no problem going back to prison."
Jim Frazier: This guy is photographing/videoing a drum jam with an iPad and he's give ME the stink-eye?
Jim Frazier: Moonie
Jim Frazier: Moonie and Victim
Jim Frazier: "So, where do you want to go now?" "I dunno. Where do YOU want to go?" "Let's ask the other guy"
Jim Frazier: Birthday Greetings
Jim Frazier: "You've got to think outside of the box."
Jim Frazier: Damn, We Prussians Look Good!
Jim Frazier: "Did anyone hear that?"
Jim Frazier: "Still stuck in Galesburg. Dang."
Jim Frazier: The Mud Show