jimforest: Abbey of Gethsemani
jimforest: Seven Storey Mountain cover
jimforest: Pantocrator
jimforest: ruins of Dresden after the fire storm
jimforest: Anne Frank
jimforest: naplamed child Vietnam
jimforest: JF - Cdr John Marabito - Weather Bureau DC_edited-1
jimforest: Long Loneliness cover
jimforest: Thomas Merton
jimforest: Eric Gill: Christ healing the blind man
jimforest: T28 – Catholic Worker front page Oct 1961
jimforest: AJ Muste - summer 1963 - drawing by Jim Forest
jimforest: maple leaf
jimforest: T3 - Nagasaki ruins
jimforest: Pandora
jimforest: Last Supper - Christ with the Apostles
jimforest: Franz Jägerstätter
jimforest: Franz Jagerstatter stamp
jimforest: Tom Cornell & Jim Forest
jimforest: I was Hungry and you fed me