jimforest: Jim's ordination as Reader
jimforest: Jim's ordination a
jimforest: Jim's ordination g
jimforest: Jim's ordination h
jimforest: Jim's ordination d
jimforest: Jim's ordination b
jimforest: Jim's ordination c
jimforest: Jim's ordination e
jimforest: Jim's ordination as Reader
jimforest: Jim's ordination f
jimforest: Jim's ordination i
jimforest: Jim's ordination as Reader
jimforest: Jim's ordination as Reader
jimforest: Jim's ordination j
jimforest: Jim's ordination k
jimforest: Jim's ordination as Reader
jimforest: Reader James
jimforest: Jim's ordination l
jimforest: Jim's ordination as Reader
jimforest: in the sanctuary 19 mar 2017
jimforest: Oleg's ordination as deacon
jimforest: Fr Sergei Archbishop Simon and Jim
jimforest: parish clergy with Archbishop Simon 19 Mar 2017
jimforest: Jim's ordination m
jimforest: Meal after the liturgy
jimforest: meal after the ordinations
jimforest: Jim & Nancy 19 Mar 2017 b
jimforest: Jim & Nancy 19 Mar 2017 a
jimforest: Certficate of ordination as Reader - Jim Forest