jimforest: Fr Michael Fortunato, guest conductor of the choir (18 Nov 2012)
jimforest: Fr Michael Fortunato & Fr Hildo Bos
jimforest: Fr Sergei & Fr Michael Fortunato
jimforest: Fr Sergei & Fr Michael 18 Nov 2012
jimforest: Georgian choir a
jimforest: Georgian Choir
jimforest: Aliona listening to the Georgian choir concert
jimforest: Georgian Choir
jimforest: Georgian Choir
jimforest: Georgian Choir
jimforest: Fr Sergei & child (18 Nov 2012)
jimforest: Georgian choir
jimforest: Georgian choir
jimforest: Tichelkerk stutue
jimforest: Tichelkerk statue
jimforest: Nativity 2013: reading of the Gospel
jimforest: Nativity 2013: blessing the icon of the feast