jimforest: Graz 11-2005 049
jimforest: London 5-2006 039
jimforest: Rome May-June 08 (93)
jimforest: Rome 10 June 2008 (87)
jimforest: Maastricht 31 July 08 (157)
jimforest: Lyn
jimforest: Rosie's
jimforest: Steve Jabobs
jimforest: Lorraine, beer in hand
jimforest: US trip 29 Apr 2011 (12)
jimforest: beer cans
jimforest: Blue Moon
jimforest: Haarlem 9 June 2011 (83)
jimforest: Gent 19-21 Aug 2011 (2)
jimforest: Nancy with Strop (noose) beer
jimforest: Bierenzaele: Gent 19-21 Aug 2011
jimforest: Gent 19-21 Aug 2011 (124)
jimforest: Gent 19-21 Aug 2011 (135)
jimforest: Gent 19-21 Aug 2011 (136)
jimforest: Gent 19-21 Aug 2011 (137)
jimforest: Munich: city of beer
jimforest: Munich: at the Hofbrauhaus
jimforest: Paris: the Salon de l'Agriculture
jimforest: Oberlin: a local beer
jimforest: Prohibition beer (and Harry Isbell)
jimforest: Pliny the Elder beer
jimforest: Pliny the Elder beer
jimforest: David
jimforest: lunch at the Argyll Hotel
jimforest: St Adelbertus abbey beer