jimforest: Dan with Nhat Hanh (1974)
jimforest: Dorothy Day & Jim Forest
jimforest: Flier family (probably Christmas 1954)
jimforest: Tom Cornell & Jim Forest
jimforest: Nancy & Jim
jimforest: Mother & cowboy Jim
jimforest: Jim & Dick at Christmas
jimforest: Jim, Mother & Dick
jimforest: Jim with pet rabbit
jimforest: Jim with paint-by-numbers hummingbirds
jimforest: my brother Dick, Mother, Uncle Charles, Aunt Douglas & Uncle Bob
jimforest: Nancy with napping Cait
jimforest: Cait & Nancy in park
jimforest: Nancy & Cait (Christmas 1981)
jimforest: Nancy & Jim (about 1990)
jimforest: Dad, Lucy, Dan Wendy and Thom - circus 1985
jimforest: Anne Forest
jimforest: Marguerite Hendrickson Forest
jimforest: JF bio- Nancy dancing with Anne 1983
jimforest: JF - Anne in traditional Dutch clothing Zuiderzee Museum May 1991
jimforest: JF - Anne age five
jimforest: JF bio - Ben climbing rigging
jimforest: JF bio - Daniel HF 1974
jimforest: Dad in the Army - Hawaii - Oct 1945
jimforest: James Frederick Forest (+/- 1941)
jimforest: Dad - about ten years old in East Pepperell, Massachusettes
jimforest: Dad as a tree surgeon 1929
jimforest: The St Louis Five
jimforest: JF bio - Anne painting 1987
jimforest: JF bio - Anne painting