jimforest: Jim's more recent books
jimforest: Writing Straight With Crooked Lines cover
jimforest: "At Play in the Lions' Den" cover
jimforest: Dan Berrigan bio
jimforest: Dan Berrigan bio
jimforest: Root of War is Fear - cover
jimforest: Gold medal
jimforest: Louie - Thomas Merton Award a
jimforest: Louie - Thomas Merton Award c
jimforest: Louie - Thomas Merton Award d
jimforest: Living With Wisdom (revised)
jimforest: the old "Living With Wisdom"
jimforest: Loving Our Enemies
jimforest: "Amare I Nemici" book cover
jimforest: Loving Our Enemies - cover of the Greek edition
jimforest: Book presentation Jim Forest Thessaloniki-05a
jimforest: India edition of Loving Our Enemies
jimforest: All is Grace cover
jimforest: All is Grace (first copies)
jimforest: All Is Grace: Book of the Year award
jimforest: card from Cardinal Dolan
jimforest: cover Italian edition "All Is Grace"
jimforest: Dorothy Day - Una Biografia
jimforest: The Portuguese-language edition of my biography of Dorothy Day, "All is Grace."
jimforest: Love is the Measure (Polish translation)
jimforest: All is Grace in Odessa
jimforest: Love is the Measure
jimforest: Confession cover
jimforest: Praying With Icons (revised)
jimforest: Praying With Icons (first edition)