jimforest: Works of Mercy set (1a)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (1b)
jimforest: Seven Works of Mercy, Master of Alkmaar 1504
jimforest: works of mercy (1a)
jimforest: works of mercy (1b)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (8)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (16)
jimforest: Master of Alkmaar - Seven Works of Mercy (detail) - dated 1504
jimforest: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam: Works of Mercy panels
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (19)
jimforest: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (18)
jimforest: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
jimforest: Christ hidden among the beggars
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (9)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (2)
jimforest: works of mercy (2)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (12)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (10)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (3)
jimforest: works of mercy (3)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (4)
jimforest: works of mercy (4)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (24)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (11)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (5)
jimforest: works of mercy (5)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (15)
jimforest: Works of Mercy set (6)
jimforest: works of mercy (6)