jimforest: quilts
jimforest: quilt panels
jimforest: Elaine & Alex Patico
jimforest: a quilt given to Elaine Patioco
jimforest: quilt panel
jimforest: Noah's Ark Hope Chest
jimforest: Patico refrigerator door
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: in the Patico house
jimforest: Patico house
jimforest: USA trip 2008 (17)
jimforest: USA trip 2008 (18)
jimforest: Harrowing of Hell icon
jimforest: USA trip 2008 (25)
jimforest: USA trip 2008 (27)
jimforest: cafe in Columbia, Maryland
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: USA trip 2008 (45)
jimforest: OPF conf 2008 (10)
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference
jimforest: OPF conference