jimforest: CW logo
jimforest: Works of Mercy (Ade Bethune)
jimforest: Works of Mercy
jimforest: Works of Mercy
jimforest: mercy3Works of Mercy
jimforest: Works of Mercy
jimforest: Works of Mercy (Ade Bethune)
jimforest: Works of Mercy
jimforest: DD as infant with mother, grandmother, great-grandmother
jimforest: DD with The Call
jimforest: DD and Fotser Batterham 1925
jimforest: DD and Fotser Batterham 1925
jimforest: DD Forster & John Dat
jimforest: DD and ftu ends on the beach
jimforest: DD Dorothy and Foster
jimforest: DD sweeping
jimforest: young DD
jimforest: DD & Tamar
jimforest: Dorothy & Tamar
jimforest: dd 1925
jimforest: DD undated photo
jimforest: DD book
jimforest: DD Easton Farm
jimforest: dd_shadows_med2
jimforest: DD at draft card burning Union Square NYC 6 Nov 1965
jimforest: Dorothy Day with prison dress
jimforest: Dorothy Day (Milwaukee 1968)
jimforest: dd_70s
jimforest: Dorothy Day with Marge Hughes and Deane Mower
jimforest: Dorothy Day