jimculp@live.com: 1964 Studebaker Daytona - Steve and Janet Hedke
jimculp@live.com: 1964 Studebaker Daytona - Steve and Janet Hedke
jimculp@live.com: 1916 Hudson Hillclimber - Howard and Doug Sharp
jimculp@live.com: 1957 Chevy Belair - Roger and Esther Shacket
jimculp@live.com: 1968 Chevy Camaro - Bob Carter and Colin Balmforth
jimculp@live.com: 1973 Jensen Interceptor - Tom and Hazel Nawojczyk
jimculp@live.com: 1955 Studebaker President - Annegret Reichman and Ulrich Kammholz
jimculp@live.com: 1933 Ford A Speedster - Brian Lockwood and Christopher Millikin
jimculp@live.com: 1961 VW Ragtop Beetle - Bob Marak and Bruce Bernbaum
jimculp@live.com: Follow the tulips
jimculp@live.com: 1955 Chevrolet 210 - Larry Tribble and Rock Rookey
jimculp@live.com: 1909 Buick Model 16 - Dennis Holland and Dieter Kutz
jimculp@live.com: 1930 Ford Model A Boattail Speedster - Peter Brown and Susan Nourse
jimculp@live.com: 1931 Auburn Boattail Speedster - Chad and Jennie Caldwell
jimculp@live.com: 1957 Porsche Carrera GT Coupe (unrestored original)
jimculp@live.com: Finished
jimculp@live.com: 1916 Hudson Speedster
jimculp@live.com: 1953 Sunbeam Alpine - Jim Pohl and Norm Ammerer
jimculp@live.com: 1969 Datsun Fairlady 2000 - Jyu Kouho and Koji Kakuda
jimculp@live.com: 1957 Porsche Speedster - Carl and Mary Webster
jimculp@live.com: Rene Crist and Hillary Henderson
jimculp@live.com: 1941 Packard 120 - Brett and Noah Stahl
jimculp@live.com: 1955 Chevrolet Corvette
jimculp@live.com: Scott Culp celebrates
jimculp@live.com: Expert Class winners