jimbojones007: Relaxing in the fully reclining seats..
jimbojones007: Terminal de Omnibus New
jimbojones007: Terminal de Omnibus old
jimbojones007: Elephant seal at Punta Ninfas
jimbojones007: Who is watching whom?
jimbojones007: in between a sea lion - also Punta Ninfas
jimbojones007: Elephant seal Yoga
jimbojones007: Scratching is exhausting
jimbojones007: Male sea lion
jimbojones007: Male sea lion scratching
jimbojones007: Elephant seal flirting with Daniel
jimbojones007: Extrem couching ehhh beaching
jimbojones007: Air B&B at elephant seal's home
jimbojones007: Continuing at elephant seal's home
jimbojones007: Dentist?
jimbojones007: Taking care about the important things
jimbojones007: Whale watching at Peninsula Valdes
jimbojones007: Whale watching...
jimbojones007: Whale watching....at least parts of the whale
jimbojones007: From another planet - The Armadillo
jimbojones007: Nothing more to add...