jimbakerphotography: Hail? #weather
jimbakerphotography: Applying my photography education to show texture. The merc is way cooler than the Rosie. I heart #junksilver
jimbakerphotography: "afraid yet filled with joy." What a great picture of what it's like to follow Jesus. He Is Risen. Happy Easter!
jimbakerphotography: We are helping an amazing start up compost company in Northwest China @newgivingagriculture Please give them a #follow // design by the amazing @bswisshd
jimbakerphotography: Guys I love my #doggo #karlthegreat
jimbakerphotography: My view upon waking up this morning. #landbetweenthelakes #hang #hammock
jimbakerphotography: Finally quiet...
jimbakerphotography: Paraphrase of a quote that @colleentcook shared with me last time we were together, don't remember who said it but it's truth.
jimbakerphotography: Birthday loot!! My family knows me so well. Coffee, coin (chocolate) and the Word. :)
jimbakerphotography: Birthday dinner with Jess, my parents and grandparents :)
jimbakerphotography: Haha does anyone else's family have one of these plates??
jimbakerphotography: #apologetics Check out this awesome interview with JOHN CATON www.doingministrywell.com/43 || LIKE COMMENT & SHARE
jimbakerphotography: Cut still looks good even after leaf blowing all day. @claytonkennethschmidt is #thebestbarber in #Clarksville
jimbakerphotography: How many bad choices might be avoided it people knew they were loved? Who do you need to love well today? #love #quotes
jimbakerphotography: Spent the weekend in KY with good friends. Survived my first winter hammock camping experience with temps in the 30s. So good to unplug, eat good food, have good conversations and stare at a roaring fire that's keeping you warm. :)
jimbakerphotography: Maybe I'm stirring up the hornets nest. Really just trying to get us to debate logically. Be on the look out for many logical fallacies today. To learn more check out www.yourlogicalfallacyis.com and if you are going to share please be civil. #election201
jimbakerphotography: Check out this weeks #doingministrywell #podcast with @jowens www.doingministrywell.com/42
jimbakerphotography: It's raining out. #karlthegreat came inside and left his signature on our couch. Dime for scale. #greatpyreneesofthehour
jimbakerphotography: You are not alone. People do care about you. You are so valuable. If you are struggling don't hide, share it with a trusted friend and get help! We need you here. #suicide #depression #alone
jimbakerphotography: I wish #selfdiscipline was easy. #selfcontrol
jimbakerphotography: Check out today's podcast with @karlakristine We were blessed to have Karla as our neighbor when we lived in Franklin, now neither of us live there. Glad we got to get this interview! www.doingministrywell.com/41
jimbakerphotography: Jess made me fresh juice this morning. Orange carrot Apple ginger with a splash of fizzy water. Delicious! #juice
jimbakerphotography: It's the first of the month. What do you need to recommit to? Let's do it!
jimbakerphotography: HAPPY HALLOWEEN From #karlthegreat #greatpyreneesofthehour
jimbakerphotography: Why yes Karlos you look very cute but you know you are not allowed on the couch... #greatpyreneesofthehour #karlthegreat
jimbakerphotography: No thought of the day today because my R T Y U I O keys stopped working on my keyboard. #frustrated going to go get a wireless keyboard later today.
jimbakerphotography: Check out today's #podcast episode NUMBER 40!!! With @bdentzy #christian #ministry #doingministrywell
jimbakerphotography: #christian #quotes #inspiration
jimbakerphotography: Crust is great. But not enough air bubbles. I'm guessing my sourdough starter didn't have enough yeast???