Forest Runner: One of many beaver dams on the map
Forest Runner: Martin Gorecki, M-14, Germany, on the marked route to the start flag
Forest Runner: Flowers covered the terrain ( did high grass though, too...)
Forest Runner: Wood lily
Forest Runner: Richard Obreiter, Timing and Results Chief, oversees efficient results
Forest Runner: Johannes Gorecki, M-16, Germany, running to the start flag
Forest Runner: Moose like the area too. I saw two in one day
Forest Runner: Bright orange wood lilies throughout the terrain had the power to decieve
Forest Runner: Nina Nembrini, F-14, Switzerland, ehanced photo
Forest Runner: Selling locally made Winfield knit clothing
Forest Runner: Molly Kemp, F-14, reading the map at the start flag
Forest Runner: Kitty Jones, F50, Calgary, punching in at the finish
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 005
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 004
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 003
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 002
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 001
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 039
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 038
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 037
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 036
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 035
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 034
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 033
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 032
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 031
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 030
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 029
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 028
Forest Runner: World Masters 2005 027