Forest Runner: Father and daughter enjoy a chat
Forest Runner: The girl and the serpent
Forest Runner: Running to catch a ball
Forest Runner: A shock
Forest Runner: Walking with Dad
Forest Runner: Suckling and clambering
Forest Runner: Playful swinging
Forest Runner: Learning from an elder
Forest Runner: Playful scuffle with Dad
Forest Runner: Couple puts heads together
Forest Runner: Girl camaraderie
Forest Runner: Tying hair back
Forest Runner: Father swinging daughter
Forest Runner: Arms crossed
Forest Runner: Girl tying back hair
Forest Runner: Mother comforting daughter
Forest Runner: Pensive
Forest Runner: Mother protecting daughter
Forest Runner: The tantrum
Forest Runner: Follow me
Forest Runner: Comforting kiss
Forest Runner: Bearded and sagacious
Forest Runner: A helping hand
Forest Runner: Tending the flock
Forest Runner: The blessing
Forest Runner: It's a bird! It's a plane!
Forest Runner: The tussle
Forest Runner: The sundial
Forest Runner: Carrying the pack
Forest Runner: The friends