jima: signs at night
jima: empty gym
jima: obstruction
jima: craft supplies
jima: checking vendors
jima: measuring
jima: tables & chairs
jima: the rules
jima: set up
jima: approaching the venue
jima: sign in the morning
jima: broadway armory entrance
jima: ready to load in
jima: the gym in the morning
jima: volunteer name tags
jima: buttons
jima: info desk
jima: info sheets for volunteers
jima: setting up
jima: organizing the booths around the climbing wall
jima: gb table
jima: side room, where food may be prepared
jima: cuation, programs
jima: onesies
jima: enjolive
jima: vases
jima: comparing nail polish
jima: luggage tags
jima: more setup
jima: just about ready