jim_2wilson: Giant Kingfisher on shores of Lake Naivasha, Kenya taken during boat trip to Elsamere.
jim_2wilson: Hoopoe spotted in the grounds of the camp-site at Lake Naivasha, Kenya
jim_2wilson: Typical scene in the Masai Mara - the gathering of the wildebeest herds during the migration.
jim_2wilson: Portrait of a wildebeest in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: Mother elephant and calf on the move in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: Family of elephants on the move in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: Majestic lion taking it easy in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: The great migration is under way - gathering of the herds in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: Cheetah playing to the audience in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: Cheetah playing to the audience in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: One of our armed escorts - we are on foot looking for possible migration crossing sites on the Mara River
jim_2wilson: Hippos chilling out on banks of River Mara, Kenya
jim_2wilson: Close encounter with bull elephant in the Masai Mara
jim_2wilson: Portrait of Burchell's Zebra taken in the Masai Mara
jim_2wilson: Giraffe and wildebeest mix it up in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: Portrait of impressive looking Masai warrior taken during our visit to their village.
jim_2wilson: Masai women sing for us during a visit to their village.
jim_2wilson: Masai menfolk gather to put on a dancing display for us on a visit to their village
jim_2wilson: Portrait of impressive looking Masai warrior taken during our visit to their village.
jim_2wilson: Three lion cubs at play in the Masai Mara after a good feed.
jim_2wilson: Lioness decides to move kill from one bush to another after being disturbed
jim_2wilson: Lone hyena has eaten its fill, now its the turn of the vultures. Typical scene in the Masai Mara
jim_2wilson: Lioness and kill early in the morning in the Masai Mara.
jim_2wilson: Vervet monkey showing off his impressive set of teeth.
jim_2wilson: Often, our truly excellent leader on the trip - snapped at the Kenya/Tanzania border
jim_2wilson: Lions up a tree, common behaviour amongst the lions in Lake Nakuru National Park.
jim_2wilson: Great white pelican, Lake Nakuru, Kenya
jim_2wilson: Photo stop at Lake Nakuru, Kenya
jim_2wilson: White rhino on shores on Lake Nakuru, Kenya
jim_2wilson: Hadeda Ibis, Lake Nakuru, Kenya