GrafikFeat: The Garden.
GrafikFeat: Into the Garage.
GrafikFeat: Lotsa Snow Drops.
GrafikFeat: Looking from the Front.
GrafikFeat: Winter Storm Tarps.
GrafikFeat: Let's Get Inside.
GrafikFeat: The Ranch.
GrafikFeat: The Ranch.
GrafikFeat: Walking the Dam.
GrafikFeat: The Glow of the Firebox.
GrafikFeat: US 2 Leaving Spokane, WA Heading West.
GrafikFeat: Approaching the Cascades.
GrafikFeat: Concentration.
GrafikFeat: Into Leavonworth, WA.
GrafikFeat: Up into the Pass.
GrafikFeat: Up into the Pass.
GrafikFeat: Up into the Pass.
GrafikFeat: Snow Walls.
GrafikFeat: Stevens Pass.
GrafikFeat: Down out of the Pass.