Mr_Darling: Big sky. Small fry.
Mr_Darling: Lily Lake, CO
Mr_Darling: Hikers
Mr_Darling: Lily Lake, CO
Mr_Darling: Smiling K & E
Mr_Darling: That's Wyoming out there.
Mr_Darling: Welcome to Keystone, SD
Mr_Darling: Mt. Rushmore at sunset
Mr_Darling: Let's eat!
Mr_Darling: Future doggie bag
Mr_Darling: Too much soda!
Mr_Darling: Me and sis
Mr_Darling: "The Ponderosa"
Mr_Darling: Breakfast time
Mr_Darling: View of Mt. Rushmore from CSP
Mr_Darling: Custer St. Park
Mr_Darling: "The Needles" Highway
Mr_Darling: Rise and shine, gentlemen.