Jim Lambert: 2008 A.G.A.S.T. exhibition
Jim Lambert: Laurel and Grady share a relaxing moment before opening the doors
Jim Lambert: "The paintings were all hung on the wall with care... in hopes that patrons would soon be there."
Jim Lambert: Laurel and Grady and our "spread"
Jim Lambert: Early guests
Jim Lambert: The Art Scene
Jim Lambert: Friends at the exhibition
Jim Lambert: The Art Scene
Jim Lambert: Early visitors
Jim Lambert: Art lovers
Jim Lambert: Good times at the exhibition
Jim Lambert: Father & Son
Jim Lambert: Who was that blonde streak?
Jim Lambert: Fellow artists at the exhibition
Jim Lambert: Little visitor enjoying the exhibition
Jim Lambert: "Challenge"
Jim Lambert: "Strawberry"
Jim Lambert: Grapes at the exhibition
Jim Lambert: "Masterpiece" as a backdrop
Jim Lambert: Pictures at an Exhibition
Jim Lambert: Laurel has a leisurely viewing of the paintings before visitors arrive
Jim Lambert: Surveying the exhibition
Jim Lambert: Private viewing before the crowds arrive
Jim Lambert: Laurel takes in the show
Jim Lambert: Live musician featured at exhibition
Jim Lambert: Mike & Donna and John attend the show
Jim Lambert: Our New Jersey friends enjoying the show