Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Fight. No flight. (Brooklyn Bridge; uptown 456)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Seek and ye shall find too much. (Spring St; uptown 6)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Live by social media, die by social media. (C train; car 3586)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY To hell with this. (6 train; car 7530)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY With great power comes great irresponsibility. (Spring St; uptown E/C)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Rent's due. (15th St & 7th Ave; 123/L/F)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY There's no I in Team, but there's an I in Winner. (Canal St; downtown 6)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY The light at the end of the tunnel is an entrance to another tunnel. (33rd St; downtown 6)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Everything old is [repackaged.] (Bway-Lafayette; downtown BDFM)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY If it ain't broke, break it. (Bedford Ave; L train; Outdoor Gallery release )
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY To thine own selfie be true. (42nd St Port Authority; downtown ACE) #jillyballistic #jillyb #checkyourselfie
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Love Bankrupts. (Fulton St; 2/3 line)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Variety is the spice of playlists. (Lincoln Center; uptown 1)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY To blog or not to blog: that is the question (High St-Brooklyn Bridge; AC)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY The end is relative. (Columbus Circle; uptown)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Impermanence is a virtue. (High St; A/C)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Buy it now. Buy it again later. (Jay St-MetroTech; A/C/F Brooklyn bound platform)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Birds of a feather impede progress. (Bergen St; Brooklyn bound G\F)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Give a man an inch, and his knees take up 2 seats. (M train; car. 8607)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Brevity is the soul of tweets. (W4th St; downtown ACE)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY The sky is [no longer] the limit. (28th St; downtown 1)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him think. (52nd St- Lincoln Ave; Manhattan bound 7; "2 Guns")
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY All roads lead to intoxication. (14th St & 7th Ave; downtown 123)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Big things come in small electronic devices. (Smith Street & 9th; F/G)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY It's all fun and games until morality makes it hurt. (E Broadway; Rutgers & Madison entrance; 2nd staircase; F train)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Where there's a will, there's an app. (M train; car 8552)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Journey of 1000 miles begins with turning your phone to airplane mode. (Dekalb Ave; Manhattan bound L)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY A picture is worth $1,000 in fines, or 1 yr. imprisonment or both. (C train; Class A Graffiti Misdemeanor)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY Some art is illegal. (B43 bus)
Jilly Ballistic: POLICY ADVISORY If you see bigotry say something. (Union Square; 456 downtown)