jillonjill: IMGP0499.JPG
jillonjill: IMGP0506.JPG
jillonjill: IMGP0508.JPG
jillonjill: IMGP0472.JPG
jillonjill: The pet
jillonjill: The Horse and the Bull
jillonjill: IMGP0406.JPG
jillonjill: IMGP0407.JPG
jillonjill: sundust
jillonjill: Joyero
jillonjill: thoughts
jillonjill: The train to Mantanzas
jillonjill: Flat Tire
jillonjill: white shutters red lace
jillonjill: he was dancing
jillonjill: I loved the graffiti in Havana
jillonjill: keeping it alive
jillonjill: gunning for the tourist
jillonjill: a man. his socks. his cigar
jillonjill: a fairy tale dusted off
jillonjill: a pose for a peso?