jillonjill: bump bump
jillonjill: harumph
jillonjill: innards
jillonjill: don't toy with me
jillonjill: all arms
jillonjill: the dance
jillonjill: don't blink
jillonjill: IMGP2636
jillonjill: what are you looking at
jillonjill: blue eyes
jillonjill: half submerged
jillonjill: group therapy
jillonjill: bike horn on the drive
jillonjill: do you like my hat and far away stare?
jillonjill: pretty dress, no shoes, only $25
jillonjill: hi, let's be friends
jillonjill: as is napkin doll
jillonjill: IMGP0230
jillonjill: IMGP0231
jillonjill: IMGP0232
jillonjill: doe eye
jillonjill: santa- alone on a bench
jillonjill: bug off
jillonjill: hey buddy, got a smoke?
jillonjill: dolly
jillonjill: nudie dolls from Dallas Texas
jillonjill: tiny soldier army