Jill Rachel: New Threadless shirts!
Jill Rachel: Creepy man love
Jill Rachel: My friends are so strange
Jill Rachel: Becca and Me
Jill Rachel: oh we're just so much fun
Jill Rachel: Chris and me.
Jill Rachel: Mark isn't feeling too good...
Jill Rachel: Dave in SU attire
Jill Rachel: Miss Lisa
Jill Rachel: Distracted Chris
Jill Rachel: Lame MySpace-looking shot
Jill Rachel: Creepy Smile Time!
Jill Rachel: Happy Drunks
Jill Rachel: Me licking Dave
Jill Rachel: Chug that wine!
Jill Rachel: Dave licking me
Jill Rachel: Me and scruffy Dave
Jill Rachel: Me, pointing out Lisa's rack
Jill Rachel: pseudo siblings