Jill Rachel: Lisa and Mark!
Jill Rachel: A flower Mark's mom brought for him.
Jill Rachel: Mark walked in on girl talk
Jill Rachel: I like my leg around Lisa <3 ;)
Jill Rachel: Miss Lisa
Jill Rachel: Nothing quite like a MiniKeg of Heineken
Jill Rachel: Mark and I hung Christmas lights
Jill Rachel: Bob (mark's dad), Jon, Becky (Jon's wife)
Jill Rachel: Typical James and Me
Jill Rachel: James is sick of my camera.
Jill Rachel: Dad and Me! I was actually able to get him to come and party!
Jill Rachel: Bob Wilson
Jill Rachel: Lisa and Mark <3
Jill Rachel: James thought me putting on makeup was funny. I did not.
Jill Rachel: Creepy smile for James, trying to get him to go away.
Jill Rachel: The keg works. :)
Jill Rachel: 211_1175
Jill Rachel: I love making sandwiches
Jill Rachel: They are always really yummy
Jill Rachel: Everyone loves them
Jill Rachel: Except for vegetarians
Jill Rachel: Janice (mark's mom) and Lisa
Jill Rachel: Xmas lights and Mark's camping grill
Jill Rachel: Onions and Tomatoes
Jill Rachel: Salt Potatoes
Jill Rachel: Limes for the drinks
Jill Rachel: Mark's marinara
Jill Rachel: diced Artichoke hearts
Jill Rachel: Corona to cool me off