Jill Rachel: 198_9816
Jill Rachel: 198_9813
Jill Rachel: Pretty Krista
Jill Rachel: Bryan and Amanda
Jill Rachel: Krista and Stan
Jill Rachel: Bryan and Amanda <3
Jill Rachel: Is he flipping me off???
Jill Rachel: I got curls. Shh.
Jill Rachel: Angry Manda
Jill Rachel: prettiness
Jill Rachel: Mark made a yummy dinner
Jill Rachel: Weirdo.
Jill Rachel: Mark's canoe :)
Jill Rachel: Mark and his gear
Jill Rachel: Random Kayaks
Jill Rachel: Mark doing what he loves
Jill Rachel: Mike, Deshanna, Mark
Jill Rachel: Mike, Deshanna, Mark
Jill Rachel: Mike, Deshanna, Mark
Jill Rachel: Mike, Deshanna, Mark
Jill Rachel: another canoe
Jill Rachel: Afternoon Moon over the lake
Jill Rachel: Manda, Krista, Me
Jill Rachel: underwater twig