jill.colors: Teach me please.
jill.colors: Ume no Hana(plum blossom)
jill.colors: Kuju Hana Park
jill.colors: Laarni
jill.colors: ~ ALONE ~
jill.colors: Reason
jill.colors: Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are,you aren't. ~ Margaret Thatcher ~
jill.colors: Dont walk in front of me, I may not follow.Dont walk behind me,I may not lead.Just walk beside me and be my friend.
jill.colors: Dont Give Up On Us ( One of my favorite song ever )
jill.colors: ~Kindness~ Be the change you want to see in the world.
jill.colors: There is a harmony in autumn, and a lustre in its sky,Which through the summer is not heard or seen, As if it could not be,as if it not been!
jill.colors: Chrysanthemum
jill.colors: A gift
jill.colors: plum blossom 3
jill.colors: Flower Garden in Sora
jill.colors: Spring flowers
jill.colors: If you could have one wish,what would it be?We all have hopes and dreams that we do almost anything to make real.And if we get lucky,and our wish is granted,maybe thats what we call happiness.
jill.colors: look carefully
jill.colors: To all the moms in the world cheers to us!
jill.colors: Aww!!!Mushi!!!
jill.colors: colorless himawari
jill.colors: the color of summer
jill.colors: Lotus/Hasu
jill.colors: "In the garden,Autumn is,indeed the crowning glory of the year,bringing us the fruition of months of thought and care and toil.And no season,safe perhaps in Daffodil time,do we get such superb colour effects as from August to November."
jill.colors: fly fly fly the butterfly:)