jillallyn: about the riots.
jillallyn: inside.
jillallyn: a number so great it had to be repeated...
jillallyn: what i hear are the sounds of your heart.
jillallyn: The danger sign should have come with all the paperwork when we opened our account there
jillallyn: early morning sun on Tower Cafe
jillallyn: today brought to you by the letter G
jillallyn: J Street Bridge
jillallyn: today brought to you by the sexy symbol six
jillallyn: please.
jillallyn: i raised the wall
jillallyn: concrete and blue skies
jillallyn: guess how warm it was in SF yesterday?
jillallyn: look right through me
jillallyn: a rip in the fabric of your universe.
jillallyn: unaltered
jillallyn: i raze the walls that i constructed
jillallyn: alcatraz burned out building
jillallyn: blow your horn mark
jillallyn: Watt Avenue bridge at sunset
jillallyn: Tree in American River
jillallyn: American River bike trail call box
jillallyn: same call box, not as blurry
jillallyn: don't dream it
jillallyn: Washington State Capitol Bldg.
jillallyn: view from my hotel room
jillallyn: View from my hotel room
jillallyn: view from my hotel room