jillallyn: today also brought to you by the letter "g"
jillallyn: today also brought to you by the letter "e"
jillallyn: today brought to you by the lovely number 2
jillallyn: today is brought to you by the (not?) number O (and his buddies 1, 5, 2 and 6)
jillallyn: Today brought to you by the lonely number 1
jillallyn: today brought to you by the shiny number 5
jillallyn: today brought to you by the sexy symbol six
jillallyn: today brought to you by the demyelinated digit four
jillallyn: 8? 8? I forget what 8 is for
jillallyn: today brought to you by the letter G
jillallyn: Today brought to you by the upside down and backwards #15
jillallyn: this evening brought to you by the letter O and his friend W
jillallyn: a number so great it had to be repeated...
jillallyn: Three cuts.
jillallyn: Today brought to you by the letter E
jillallyn: today brought to you by the letter "S"
jillallyn: last night was brought to you by the letter "S"