jill becker: At the Trailhead
jill becker: Bo hangs the Sword of Damocles over mini-snowman
jill becker: Tiny Trickle above Narada Falls
jill becker: Allison, glam shot
jill becker: The shorter but much steeper path
jill becker: Bo, The Adventurer
jill becker: Allison, The Runner
jill becker: Amy, Backcountry Skier Extraordinaire
jill becker: Jill, Climbing or Falling?
jill becker: Andy, Snowman Designer
jill becker: Lunch Scavengers
jill becker: Reflection Lake
jill becker: Land of the Midnight Sun?
jill becker: Amy's Vertical Snow Angel
jill becker: From the Road