jill becker: A glimpse from the road
jill becker: Devil's Lake Campground
jill becker: First view of South Sister from the trail
jill becker: Morning light on the flat
jill becker: Jen confirms: the summit is....up
jill becker: Path of Ash
jill becker: Terminal Moraine of Lewis Glacier
jill becker: One foot in front of the other
jill becker: Jen "Power Ranger" Becker starts the final leg
jill becker: Sister photo-op
jill becker: From whence we came
jill becker: Teardrop Pool
jill becker: View from the Top
jill becker: Snacktime at the Summit
jill becker: L to R: Sister, Sister, Sister, Sister
jill becker: Suiting up to head down
jill becker: I *heart* snow in July
jill becker: Mom & Dad: This one's for you.
jill becker: Traipsing across a volcano-top
jill becker: Broken Top
jill becker: Sliding down the mountain
jill becker: Jen goes Zen
jill becker: We made it!