jili'm **: :- #
jili'm **: olla !
jili'm **: here we are again
jili'm **: from home, about two months ago (in fact last september)
jili'm **: le piaf
jili'm **: sky above
jili'm **: blue feeling
jili'm **: from home, one morning
jili'm **: silhouette
jili'm **: tropical, before pot
jili'm **: winter sun, with my yucca on
jili'm **: yucca shadow
jili'm **: yucca & shadow
jili'm **: impatient perroquet
jili'm **: ...........& blue window
jili'm **: before 2006 ends
jili'm **: next time, i'll clean my cook stove before...
jili'm **: with curcuma in
jili'm **: with goat's cheese in
jili'm **: this could be the last time
jili'm **: waiting for water to gently boil
jili'm **: by the sea
jili'm **: making believe
jili'm **: atelier de jardinage
jili'm **: first watering, after repoting
jili'm **: the well named sunday
jili'm **: new furniture, after patching pieces together
jili'm **: invisible spotchs