jili'm **: from home, about two months ago (in fact last september)
jili'm **: 10.10 / 10h10
jili'm **: from home, one morning
jili'm **: STATUES
jili'm **: STATUES 2
jili'm **: STATUES 3
jili'm **: avant l'orage
jili'm **: rue mercoeur 11e arr.
jili'm **: rue mercoeur
jili'm **: three in one
jili'm **: home before
jili'm **: from inside
jili'm **: fac2
jili'm **: bercy trees
jili'm **: BFM behind trees
jili'm **: bercy's plane trees again
jili'm **: i go for a walk
jili'm **: first morning of this year
jili'm **: mouse mount park ?
jili'm **: parc montsouris
jili'm **: last leaves, before the fall
jili'm **: tilleul
jili'm **: impatiens balfourii
jili'm **: dried tanacetum parthenium
jili'm **: fake pearls (?)
jili'm **: le piaf
jili'm **: cluny, one morning
jili'm **: cluny & tree