jen_echo: Off we go! Train to LA. shuttle to LAX and plane to Alaska!! #alaskabound2014
jen_echo: Robert says it's like 1995 all up in here. #encounters
jen_echo: Made it to LAX with plenty of time to spare!!
jen_echo: Winner Creek Hike. Girdwood, AK
jen_echo: Robert tames the first moose he met #alaskabound2014
jen_echo: Hand Tram across the gulch at Winner Creek #alaskabound2014
jen_echo: Robert and I suspended in the middle of the gulch in the hand tram #alaskabound2014
jen_echo: Angry gopher? Or is this supposed to be a bear?
jen_echo: My Sister and her babies. Palmer, AK
jen_echo: Me and Spruce in the tree
jen_echo: Spruce
jen_echo: Boys will be boys. Boys with bows and arrows will be fun. #alaskabound2014
jen_echo: This is Alaska with my sister, her babies and her husband, Todd teaching Robert how to shoot arrows.
jen_echo: Found a climbable birch!
jen_echo: Busy Beaver
jen_echo: Hatcher's Pass
jen_echo: Tajhe and Spruce looking for Gold. Hatcher's Pass
jen_echo: My nephew, Spruce.
jen_echo: Palmer in the distance #hatcherspass
jen_echo: Palmer
jen_echo: Hatcher's Pass
jen_echo: Me and all my dad's siblings
jen_echo: Me and the happy couple
jen_echo: Julie was laughing all the way
jen_echo: A mother and her ducklings. Potter's Marsh
jen_echo: Little bird
jen_echo: Moose close up
jen_echo: Us with the moose at feeding time. the one behind me didn't like my pants
jen_echo: Elk feeding time. Wildlife Conservation Center. Portage, AK
jen_echo: Baby Elk