jen_echo: Linus being Linus.jpg
jen_echo: My handsome Chi.jpg
jen_echo: Howlin' Chi.jpg
jen_echo: Chi getting strangled.jpg
jen_echo: Panting in Yuma
jen_echo: Linus on a lap in the morning sun.jpg
jen_echo: Hanging out At Hannah's.jpg
jen_echo: Katherine and the dogs.jpg
jen_echo: Beggin' for a treat (at least the ears are up).jpg
jen_echo: Me and Chi.jpg
jen_echo: Greenie Time
jen_echo: Drunk Dialing - Linus - 2006
jen_echo: Seth and the Pups - Feb 2007
jen_echo: on the couch
jen_echo: Dogs on a lap - March 2007
jen_echo: IMG_6919
jen_echo: IMG_6920
jen_echo: frick, leave me alone!
jen_echo: Haircut
jen_echo: little lady
jen_echo: what mom?
jen_echo: monkey man
jen_echo: maxin' and relaxin'
jen_echo: cooky eye
jen_echo: IMG_0406
jen_echo: Grumpy
jen_echo: He loves the sun spot
jen_echo: Sleeping
jen_echo: Sunnin'
jen_echo: sleepy