jietcomm: the stage is set...
jietcomm: mr and mrs yang hong
jietcomm: angeline, hubby and friends
jietcomm: cjc 1s14, 97 1st intake and angeline with hubby
jietcomm: cjc 1s14, 97 1st intake and mr and mrs yang hong
jietcomm: carey and zhizhong
jietcomm: carey
jietcomm: carey
jietcomm: felicia
jietcomm: felicia, miki and carey
jietcomm: felicia, miki and carey
jietcomm: feli 5
jietcomm: feli 4
jietcomm: feli 3
jietcomm: feli 2
jietcomm: feli 1
jietcomm: zhizhong 5
jietcomm: zhizhong 4
jietcomm: zhizhong 3
jietcomm: zhizhong 2
jietcomm: zhizhong 1