Jibby!: Getting the cat out of the old Watkins house was going to be difficult with that creepy Billy Johnson in the room.
Jibby!: The Cat Cam at St. Joseph's
Jibby!: Jesus suddenly realized that Missoula, Montana was probably not the best place to stage the second coming.
Jibby!: The Angry Angel Has Come to Cull the Herd
Jibby!: KFC Double Down Horror - the Remake
Jibby!: John had an uneasy feeling, but he couldn't quite put a finger on the cause...
Jibby!: The Pig Man was a gentle soul, unless he felt his cats were in danger.
Jibby!: Membership at the Cathedral Dropped Sharply When the Spider Woman Began Attending Services
Jibby!: Nah! It can't be...
Jibby!: Horace suddenly regretted wearing the loud yellow jacket.
Jibby!: That Wasn't a UPS Driver at the Door
Jibby!: Those hoping for the world to end with a whimper were sorely disappointed that night.
Jibby!: Porcelain Springs Debuts its Fresh New Ad Campaign
Jibby!: Vader stood there, ignoring the Emperor’s incessant blather, and wondered where he had gone wrong with Luke.
Jibby!: Peeping Willow
Jibby!: Life just wasn't the same for Quasimodo since they transferred him to a church with no bell tower.
Jibby!: The Photographer Shoots Himself
Jibby!: No matter how dramatically he posed that day, Vader couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't being taken as seriously as usual.
Jibby!: Somebody Took a Wrong Turn
Jibby!: Rufus Hesitated
Jibby!: Robert Frost soon regretted taking the least worn path.
Jibby!: After the Sullivan Massacre, they say Billy Johnson roamed the woods for several years. It was hearsay, however, as nobody who ever spotted him lived to tell.
Jibby!: Every Night the Shadows Came Out of the Walls and Whispered to Silas
Jibby!: During his first trial, Billy Johnson claimed he was given orders by an evil child in an abandoned church.
Jibby!: Every time he looked into a mirror, Silas saw visions of an apocalypse.
Jibby!: Paul was indignant. He was a Stormtrooper, damn it! He shouldn't have to wait in line!
Jibby!: Times were tough for the Empire, and some of its lackeys found it necessary to rent themselves out protecting personal property...
Jibby!: Though they were identical twins, Silas had never felt particularly close to Oscar, and lately his brother was really creeping him out.
Jibby!: "Scooter" Jones didn't understand why the townspeople were so angry at him. He'd only eaten one of the Foster's babies and nobody liked the Fosters anyway!
Jibby!: Silas vomited before he could even open his cold can of spreadable Spam.