jibbidibbi: Starting - assembled, kinda cat hairy ottoman
jibbidibbi: inside of ottoman
jibbidibbi: the bottom of the lid
jibbidibbi: intended new fabric
jibbidibbi: black fabric from underside of top removed
jibbidibbi: showing that this is separate and stapled on last!
jibbidibbi: again, showing how the tubing is applied
jibbidibbi: more staples
jibbidibbi: staples forever
jibbidibbi: closeup of staples
jibbidibbi: top removed!
jibbidibbi: Bottom, before
jibbidibbi: the grey fabric removed! more staples :|
jibbidibbi: showing how to overlap
jibbidibbi: bottom removed!
jibbidibbi: the bottom - not going to change it!
jibbidibbi: the rumply inside
jibbidibbi: Pulling up & documenting so i remember how it went on
jibbidibbi: NAKED
jibbidibbi: I used these as templates!
jibbidibbi: Making the piping
jibbidibbi: Top on, no bottom piping yet
jibbidibbi: bottom piping added
jibbidibbi: Bottom of ottoman stretched & stapled
jibbidibbi: top & bottom together, no hardware on yet.
jibbidibbi: IMG_20151015_181624
jibbidibbi: Finished, head on shot
jibbidibbi: Finished, again
jibbidibbi: John made me a new stopper out of a dowel!
jibbidibbi: time to put your feets up!