Yuri Figuenick https://www.instagram.com/yurifigue: Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see. -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thomas Shahan 3: Avocado Weevil - Heilipus apiatus - Oklahoma
Dave Byng: Ranger on the Coast Trail-July 5, 2020
Martin_Heigan: Sharpless 308 (the Dolphin Nebula)
Elizabeth Gadd: To Rest the Soul
Elizabeth Gadd: Calm Before the Storm
Elizabeth Gadd: Mother Nature
gatorlink: White-lined Sphinx Caterpillar (Hyles lineata)
sk_husky: Marsh Fly
Nature by SØS: IMG_3576 sommerfugl
nickybay: Cuckoo Bee (Thyreus sp.) - DSC_0240
urtica: bug of the day
nickybay: Scarlet Acusilas Spider (Acusilas coccineus) - DSC_6553
johnhallmen: Ladybird in the morgue
Iain Lawrie: Clarice was glad her nostril hairs had been removed...
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Green Horse fly, Chlorotabanus sp., Tabanidae
Doundounba: Pelegrina with Collembola Prey
nickybay: Moth (Lepidoptera) - DSC_4686
nickybay: Pygmy grass blue (Zizula hylax pygmaea) - DSC_4775
budak: _Z2A2332 fluffy tit
Lord V: Chalcid wasp mating bundle #1
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Crab Spider, Aphantochilus rogersi, Thomisidae mimicking the ant Cephalotes atratus