jhtatroe: Snow!
jhtatroe: Hadden Does Some Bouldering
jhtatroe: Moose Country
jhtatroe: Rocky Mountain Morning
jhtatroe: Lost Lake
jhtatroe: Wild
jhtatroe: White Flower
jhtatroe: Standing Water, Collapsed Shack
jhtatroe: Water Under the Bridge
jhtatroe: Aspen and Wildflowers
jhtatroe: Randy Lines Up His Shot
jhtatroe: Witch's Cottage
jhtatroe: First Walk of the New Year
jhtatroe: The Valley That Makes My Heart Beat Faster
jhtatroe: Colorado Blue Skies
jhtatroe: First Photo of 2012
jhtatroe: Fence
jhtatroe: Frosted Tree
jhtatroe: Farmhouse
jhtatroe: Just Down the Road
jhtatroe: The Irrigation Canal
jhtatroe: Another Picture of Someone Taking a Picture
jhtatroe: Alberta Falls Picnic
jhtatroe: Stop by the River
jhtatroe: High Park Sunset
jhtatroe: Watching the Game
jhtatroe: At the Gardens
jhtatroe: Just a Boy and Some Goats
jhtatroe: Summit
jhtatroe: Summit