jhtatroe: Larvette
jhtatroe: Kevin and Hadden
jhtatroe: Wagon
jhtatroe: Kevin Pushing the Water Wheel
jhtatroe: Live Music Sculpture
jhtatroe: Jenn and Kevin
jhtatroe: A Walk on the Beach
jhtatroe: Shoulder Cat
jhtatroe: Kevin at the Beach
jhtatroe: Kevin at the Beach
jhtatroe: Bridge
jhtatroe: Picnic Spot
jhtatroe: Dare Ya
jhtatroe: Franklin Falls
jhtatroe: At the Slides
jhtatroe: Onward Over the Snowpack
jhtatroe: At the River
jhtatroe: Kevin Climbs
jhtatroe: Shore Walk
jhtatroe: Hunting for Sea Glass
jhtatroe: Another Picture of Someone Taking a Picture
jhtatroe: Alberta Falls Picnic
jhtatroe: Watching the Game