jhr3: Nox Cocktail Lounge at Village Gate Plaza
jhr3: Nox Cocktail Lounge Decor
jhr3: 2018 Chair Amber Charlebois and Linda Anthony
jhr3: Silas Owusu-Nkwantabisah, Bill Jones, and David McCamant
jhr3: Benjamin Butler of Nazareth and 2019 Chair Sarina Bellows
jhr3: IMG_8805
jhr3: Amber Charlebois addressing the meeting attendees
jhr3: Amber Charlebois addressing the meeting attendees
jhr3: 2019 Chair Sarina Bellows
jhr3: Amber Charlebois receives her Past-Chair from Sarina Bellows
jhr3: Party favors at the hosting table, including 2019 Internation Year of the Periodic Table calendars and thermochromic ice cream dishes
jhr3: Periodic Table calendars!
jhr3: Thermochromic ice cream dishes
jhr3: Upcoming Rochester ACS Events