Jhoven de Jesus: 1/4/11 "366" - Day 1
Jhoven de Jesus: 2/4/11 "Pain Killer" - Day 2
Jhoven de Jesus: 3/4/11 "Only Girl (In the World)" - Day 3
Jhoven de Jesus: 4/4/11 "Nono's House" - Day 4
Jhoven de Jesus: 5/4/11 "Bless Her Little Cotton socks" - Day 5
Jhoven de Jesus: 6/4/11 "Dark Pleasures" - Day 6
Jhoven de Jesus: 7/4/11 "Cola Sunrise" - Day 7
Jhoven de Jesus: 8/4/11 "Kwowin' the ledge" - Day 8
Jhoven de Jesus: 9/4/11 "Deus ex is in the bargains" - Day 9
Jhoven de Jesus: 10/4/11 "It's a knockout!" - Day 10
Jhoven de Jesus: 11/4/11 "Pebbles" - Day 11
Jhoven de Jesus: 12/4/11 "The Long Beautiful Death" - Day 12
Jhoven de Jesus: 13/4/11 "Mom's Spaghetti" - Day 13
Jhoven de Jesus: 14/4/11 "W.T.F." - Day 14
Jhoven de Jesus: 15/4/11 "Quite clever and ever, but together forever, RUN-DMC, and were tougher than leather" - Day 15
Jhoven de Jesus: 16/4/11 "The Photographer" - Day 16
Jhoven de Jesus: 17/4/11 "Dwaw" - Day 17
Jhoven de Jesus: 18/4/11 "Drug of Choice" - Day 18
Jhoven de Jesus: 19/4/11 "Unless you want to play 52 pick up on your own, it's best you play your cards right" - Day 19.
Jhoven de Jesus: 20/4/11 "Wires crossed" - Day 20
Jhoven de Jesus: 21/4/11 "Rosie the Oschter Haws" - Day 21
Jhoven de Jesus: 22/4/11 "Good Friday's fried fish" - Day 22
Jhoven de Jesus: 23/4/11 "Sizzle" - Day 23
Jhoven de Jesus: 24/4/11 "Tarantella Napoletana" - Day 24
Jhoven de Jesus: 25/4/11 "They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We will remember them. Lest we forget." - Day 25
Jhoven de Jesus: 26/4/11 "Long and wet" - Day 26
Jhoven de Jesus: 27/4/11 "Parabolani" - Day 27
Jhoven de Jesus: 28/4/11 "I'm 'this' many fingers today!" - Day 28
Jhoven de Jesus: 29/4/11 "Shattered" - Day 29
Jhoven de Jesus: 30/4/11 "PRESENTS!!!!" - Day 30